Health Insurance Premium - a very small amount

Health insurance is becoming one of the necessities of life for one and all. It brings an insurer and an insured into contract, wherein which insurance provider offer health cover, on occurrence of specific event and a policy holder promises to pay specific amount for the specific time period. This amount is known as health insurance premium.

Health insurance premium may vary from plan to plan and from company to company. In brief, health insurance premium is a very small amount, just few hundred or thousands of rupees, paid towards coverage of lakhs of rupees. There are people who are living with the wrong belief that health insurance is expensive and thus, stay away. These people should be made aware that there is a wide range of these products, designed for people of different sections of society.

A person needs to choose a plan, as per his/her needs and budget. In order to make the task easier, reputed companies, like Apollo Munich, give health insurance rate charts for the people, buying through agent. Besides it, health insurance companies have also brought Online Premium Calculator, which is very easy to operate and the customer can calculate his/her own premium through this calculator, before buying the plan.


  1. People think that health insurance costs a lot, but it is usually very cost effective when taken at the right time.

  2. It is really worth it.

  3. Few thousand rupees a year is a small price to pay for your health.

  4. It is great that health insurance premium is such a small amount, just few hundred or thousands of rupees, for coverage of lakhs of rupees.
